Our Expertise
Unlocking your business potential
GPS Group/CCSA works with client-partners to uncover opportunities providing recommendations/solutions and implementation resulting in sustained growth. Our commitment is to develop a client-partner-ship relationship to best understand your organization’s capabilities and collaborate to achieve your business goals and grow bottom line profits.
In today's business environment for market leaders:
VISION & EXECUTION are inseparable partners.
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DISTRIBUTION GROWTH STRATEGIESIn today’s competitive environment, companies seek to gain market share and expand their distribution outlets to allow customers to access a convenient and efficient way to purchase their products. Whether your company has an independent or captive channel, direct or indirect, or some combination, we can assist your efforts to expand your distribution. GPS has worked in nearly every retail distribution channel, both domestically and internationally, including IMO, FMO, PGA, Brokerage, Wire house, Banks, P&C, Call Center, Direct, Independent, and Captive.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTIONOne of the main differentiators GPS brings to clients is taking a project from initial implementation to its final execution where behaviors are changed to produce a lasting long-term impact on your organizations' bottom line. Where many firms seek to simply focus on an initial roll-out of a project, GPS seeks to build a collaborative client relationship. We will continue to enhance the desired execution strategy, so productive revenue and other objectives are a triumph. We also pick up where other projects left off to finish the longer-term objectives sought, but yet to be obtained.
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENTGPS can build or partner to create a training and development (T&D) program that meets your objectives – whether it be a comprehensive platform or a specific project. T&D encompasses a wide range of services GPS has expertise in helping your employees gain the knowledge and expertise to perform their jobs at a higher level – including sales and sales management development, recruiting, retention of producers, sales accountability, and succession management development.
SALES PERFORMANCE PLANNING AND COACHING SYSTEMSSales performance planning and coaching are ongoing processes which help build and maintain optimal relationships within the organization. We can help identify, build, and implement a plan for producer and sales management growth and productivity. Whether ‘soft’ skills or ‘technical’ skills, leadership and management performance or even ‘retaining’, GPS can generate the consistent success you’re looking to achieve.
SPEAKING AND TEAM BUILDINGOur team members at GPS have been invited to speak at numerous company and industry events. Whether motivational and/or educational, we can conduct main platform engagements or lead workshops for the development of your employees. Team building includes communication activities, problem-solving and/or decision-making adaptability and/or planning activities, and of course activities to develop stronger comradery and synergy.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTExpanding your business through either alternate distribution, or expanding existing distribution outlets can be an exciting and profitable proposition. It means growing your organization to a new level. Let us discuss these opportunities with you and develop a comprehensive plan for implementation.
TALENT ACQUISITIONIn this vital segment of building a professional culture and continuing the focus on business growth, GPSG would be a valuable resource. Our efforts would be in providing recruiting services on the client's behalf to identify prospective candidates who meet specific job/position requirements in the insurance and financial services industry. Attracting and initially interviewing those candidates is also part of our value proposition, as requested.

Organizational Leadership. We can help the development
of field management leaders to meet the challenges brought by
both individuals and the organization – by managing the present,
while preparing for the future. Today’s effective leaders need to implement change, resolve problems, and create a positive and productive workplace to achieve desired results.
Compensation Strategies. Behaviors change when
supported by compensation that drives those desired behaviors. We can analyze your current field compensation plan(s) and provide an objective 3rd-party analysis and